3rd October in the Box – Intro to lighting desk and Halloween Lighting plan.

In the box today introducing us to Lighting Desk and creating a lighting plan from a scenario.

Lighting Plan

We were given a scenario to complete a lighting plan for, this would then be used to make a practice miagic sheet. the lanterns would not be rigged so it was a mostly theory exercise. Also time was limited as such the lighting plan is not comlete. Also as we had no idea of wha tthe set might be etc it was quite hard to specify what areas of stage needed lighting etc. I have noted what other lanterns we thought about though have not included them all on the lighting plan. Also please not that the channel numbers are incorrect, we created hose so as to have something to put into the magic sheet later.

  • Scenario – ‘Horror’ musical e.g. Adams Family.
  • 5 stage states
    • House lights.
      • Floods
        • L740

          L740 – Aurora Borealis Green
      • Profiles in sharp focus.
        • Gobo – Ghost 5

          76587 – Ghost 5
    • Graveyard.
      • Fresenel – floor wash
        • L343

          L343 Special Medium Lavender
      • Flood – back wash
        • L702

          L702 – Special Pale Lavender
      • Fresnel/profiles – lighting specific areas of set (headstones, actor positions etc) also for effect
      • Gobos – trees/branches, gates or castle
      • Parcans to add extra mood lighting – as have hot spots could give minor highlights to non specific areas of set if just dimmed.
    • Old house/ Castle outside
      • Fresnel – Wash
        • L512

          L512 Amber Delight
      • Again withour knowing any ideas for the set hard to judge what else might be needed
      • Gobos – tress, walls, windows
    • Indoor castle wash
      • Profile – detail lighting
        • L789

          L780 – Blood Red
        • Gobo – Yorkminster 77856

          York Minster – 77856
    • Outdoor night wash
      • As Graveyard
Spooky Musical Lighting Plan
Halloween plan
  • Backdrop material.
    • Again this was quite ard to decide upon depending on stage set up. Something dark but could be ‘floaty’ like a scrim or heavy like tabs.

Lighting desk

  • Magic Sheet – Diagram of lighting rig electronically on computer.
  • Submasters – multiple lights on one fader.
  • Lighting cues – did not get to this as out of time.

The lighting desk used within the box is a ETC Element 60 channel.

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 Magic sheet

A magic sheet is a lighting plan designed on computer software in this case it is the software which comes with the lighting desk. The lighting sheet is put together from the hand drawn lighting plan.


In its basic form a submaster is a collection of lanterns which are all controlled by one fader.

To create a submaster on the Element desk you need to have a magic sheet created (see above).

  1. Go into live mode.
  2. press ‘clear’
  3. Bring up the channels you want to full.
  4. Press ‘Record’ – ‘Sub’ – ‘Number’
    1. The number assigns the subchannel to a specific fader.
  5. Press ‘enter’ twice.
  6. Lower the dimmers for the lanterns you’ve just added to the sub to 0.
  7. Move the Submaster fader you have assigned and the lnterns shouls come one.
  8. You can also press ‘sub 1 full’ for the same effect.