Brewery Arts Centre Get In and Rig

This was going to be quite a hectic week we had a lot to fit in to a small amount of time. At this point there had been no dress or tech rehearsals.

FMP UT Brewery Schedule PDF

OVer the weeked before the set in the box was derigged and prepared for transport. The van was loaded with the first parts of the set. The loads were organised so that what was dropped off first was the pieces of the set that needed to be erected first. It was also important to ensure that all fittings and fixtures came with the necessary pieces, The stage management crew had labelled up the set pieces and also bagged up the necessary bolts to go along with the set pieces.



The build went smoothly though I was not as involved with set at this point as I had been as I was spending more time with the lighting team cutting gels etc. The build of the set had to be done as mentioned to a very tight deadline and was pretty much done by the end of the first day, the second day was used mainly for touching up paint work and adding additional dressing.


The only part of the set that I was involved with was ensuring that the mechanism to allow the sliding flat was erected correctly. WE had some difficulty to begi with as the labels had come off these parts so rememebring where each piece needed to be attached was a little challenging. With the use of photos I had taken this was eventually successfully achieved.

Below are a couple of time lapse videos showing the get-in


I feel that I was successful in being a supportive team member for the FMP, as a year 1 student I looked to the Year 2’s to lead and plan. Though I was assigned to the lighting plan the majority of my time was used more on the construction of set, though the other members of the lighting team did keep me informed as to where they were at. In the run up to the show I was more involved with the lighting side of things and definitely learned more of this area of theatre then. In terms of the rest of the time, I mainly honed the skill in construction that I have developed over the course of the year. And was used on may different set pieces.