Police Batons

Some props that were needed where police batons/truncheons. I researchd what these may look like

We chose to make the following types


After this research we then went to speak with the director, about how many would be needed and weather these would be suitable. Unfortuantely though we had originally been told to look for british ones, as the play was set in america the director required american type batons. Theswe are a lot more striaght forward in shape.

Our plan was to turn these on a lathe



We thought the best way to do this would be to start with dowels, as we hadn’t done any turning before so it would be easier for us to start with something already round. WE then went to research prices for doweling we thought 35mm would be a ood diameter and we were just going to use an eye measurement for length.

Prices for dowel




We then needed to gwet this purchase authorissed, and were told that they would be too expensive. Instead we decided to use broom handles. Unfortunately this had the knock on effect that we would not be able to turn them at all as there would not be enough stock material for us. These had a cost of £1.50 each.

Once back in the construction room we cut them down to the required length and gave them a couple of coats of black gloss paint

Showing size of truncheon



At a later stage at request from the actors I added a ring round one end. This would denote the handle and allow for inertion and support of a belt loop in trousers. I made this ring by cutting some thich rope to length and then securing it in place using gaffer tape.