Urinetown Sound

Though not directly involved with the sound crew I am ware of a little of what was needed.

However the crew was split into 3 different areas.

Head of sound – Matt Ward (Y2) & Thomas H (Y1)
    Mics – Harley (Y2) & Tom Mc (Y1)
    Band – Ben Mac(Y2) & Astrid (Y2)
    SFX – Jake (Y2) Charlie (Y1)
As it was such a large cast utilizing both wireless mics and a live band it was decided to run 2 sound desks. The midas pro1was to be used for the band. this desk was going to slot in back stage behind the set, so as to not take up real estate front of house. The original plan was to have the band on stage visible to the audience, this unfortunately was not to be. They were thus situated upstage right behind the set, behind acoustic baffles. The band consisted of 5 session musicians contianing woddwind, brass, drums, piano and strings.
They were microphoned and up to and mixed with the Midas Pro 1
This pre mixed feed was then sent to the front of house desk a Behringer X32.

The wireless mic receivers were also wired up to this desk.

front of house with receivers
Apart from getting to know the desks pre show everything else could only be done on site for these 2 aspects of the sound. All mixing had to be done to suit the venue so no presets could be done preshow. Also the wireless mics which were on loan would not be available until show week.
The mic crew during rehearsals had a small issue with the wrong actors picking the wrong mics up, this was after they had been assigned desk channels and set according to the actors voice. This was quickly diagnosed and the relevant mics were swapped around. The had produced a document numbering the mics, and assigning actors to numbers.
Wirelss mic table
One other issue they had preshow was with the tape used to secure the mics to the actors faces. This was due to them being attached after the make-up. This led to a greasy surface for the tape.

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The SFX team however did produce soundscapes, punch and kick sounds, and other associated effects preshow. These were then auditioned inhouse for suitability and to see if they matched the directors needs. I am aware that the soundscapes needed to be redone. Though they had followed the directors instructions, water sounds were included in the first iterations.
20/30 soundscape – sewer – dripping, run down town
Police whistles – (some are live, some recorded)
Typing – typewriter – old fashioned receptionist
Background nighttime city – old sirens in distant, 1930s, distant traffic rumble
Bobby Strong screaming – talking head sounds x 2 – page 30
Heartbeat – comedy/cartoon maybe – different versions
Harry – p56 – ‘remember remember’ for Zoom
20mins – different – more dripping soundscape – Secret hideout, sewer, metal atmosphere
p83 – pigeon cooooo noises, rooftop noise, wind – subtle
P86 echo on the mic for him falling – then falling body hitting ground, thud/splat – can be comedy – some choices required
Another thud/fall – different one
These obviously as Urinetown is set in a drought needed to be removed. Made with Logic and Studio One software.
These sound effect were run from a macbook running Qlab.